In dieser Kolumne schreibt unser Autor über die großen und kleinen Verrücktheiten, die ihm im Alltag so begegnen. Frei nach dem Motto „Nicht ärgern, nur wundern!“. Thema dieses Mal: „Die wohnt hier schon seit ein paar Monaten nicht mehr.“ “Wie, die wohnt hier nicht mehr?” – In diesem Moment muss ich ein ziemlich armseliges und […]
Kategorie: Text

The other day I wrote a guy on Tinder: “Hey! We already have the same last name!” because his Instagram handle said something with Muller. In the Alsace-region, the last name Muller is everywhere. An Alsatian history lesson. The German Wikipedia page says that Müller is the most common last name in the German speaking […]
Three Cities On Two Wheels

“Bicycle! Bicycle! Bicycle! (…) I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.” sang Queen in 1978. Can’t we do it by now? In a tri national comparison between Strasbourg, Greifswald and Wageningen we are looking at how accomodating different European Cities are for cyclists. Fahrradstadt Greifswald by Veronika Isolde […]
Culture shock

After you lived through it you forget it : the culture shock. But it still exists, and it makes life abroad, an internship or an exchange semester harder – especially after the first few weeks. Normally, the exchange period starts with the „honeymoon“-phase: you are very excited, everything is new, everything is awesome! Then, after […]

There is not much to tell you about this week: I worked, I studied and it rained in Strasbourg – it rained a lot. So, this is me in two identification cards: By day: By night: Jepp, that’s it. That was my week. Photos: my arte-Karte and my student-ID, age difference between the pictures: 4 […]
Living with a curfew

Two minutes before 6 p.m. – people are running home. And now the time has come: my beloved Greifswalders will have a curfew from Monday on. Let me tell you about the curfew in France to prepare you for what’s to come. I arrived 37 Minutes after curfew on my first day in France: The 10th […]

First week in Strasbourg: I ate a baguette in front of the European parliament, saw a demonstration and I complained about the French government as a conversation starter – let’s check some clichés about the French and see if I am transitioning already! Baguette. Yes, of course the baguette. I eat baguette, everyone eats baguette. […]

Preparation takes at least 9 months and the baby, the bureaucracy, never stops screaming for you. Let me explain: Going abroad is fun. Everyone excitedly talks about their Erasmus semester and about the weird drunk nights they had while being abroad. Why does no one talk about the bureaucracy that comes before the drunk nights? […]